Automate Reboot and Git push with Linux Crontab



I am going to explain how you can set up daily git pushes with crontab command.

Step 1 – Disable git username/password prompt during check-in

Follow the steps on this StackOverflow post.

Step 2 – Add git commands to a sh file

Add following sh file to the repository root directory.


#Pull remote repository
git pull

#Git commit and push
git add -A

git commit -a -m "Daily Update"
git push

Step 3 – Open Crontab

sudo crontab -e

Step 4 – Setup Daily Executions

Add following line to the crontab file. This will run the script every 8am in the morning.


For example, the command I used was this.

0 8 * * * /home/myhome/project/

Step 5 – Setup Daily Reboot

Refer to this askUbuntu post to set this up.